Theory of Knowledge and how my beliefs have changed

In my teaching, I align strongly with the cognitivist approach to learning, which emphasizes understanding the mental processes involved in thinking and learning. The cognitivist approach shapes my teaching philosophy by focusing on the mental processes involved in learning. By fostering active engagement, and connecting new knowledge, I aim to create a supportive environment that encourages all students to thrive.  The cognitivist approach informs my philosophy and classroom practices by:

Encouraging me to look beyond observable behaviors and explore the mental processes that influence how students learn. In my classroom, I strive to create an environment where students actively engage with content through discussions and collaborative activities, this encourages them to think critically and connect new ideas to what they already know. I also emphasize the importance of linking new concepts to students’ prior knowledge, as I feel that by activating what the students already understand, they are better equipped to grasp new information.

I believe that teaching students to think about their learning is essential for their growth. To make them think, I integrate reflective practices such as journalling and self-assessment, this in turn makes them evaluate their strategies and become more aware of their learning processes. I also support diverse learners by ensuring that they have the necessary support before tackling more complex concepts as this would help them to build confidence and help the learners to progress at their own pace. Additionally, active engagement is key in my classroom; I incorporate hands-on activities and problem-solving scenarios to stimulate curiosity and encourage the practical application of knowledge.

As I reflect on my teaching journey, I recognize that my beliefs about education and learning have evolved significantly; I previously had the traditional belief that teaching or delivering content and ensuring students could recall facts was the primary aim of education, my lessons often followed a lecture-based format where I was the main source of information, I tended to use a one-size-fits-all approach, expecting all the students to grasp concepts in the same way and at the same pace and I primarily focused on academic outcomes and I saw education as a destination; that once I had a solid plan and knowledge base, I would be set.

My beliefs about teaching and learning have shifted significantly throughout my career as a continuous journey of growth; I actively seek out professional development opportunities and stay open to new ideas and strategies. This commitment to lifelong learning not only enhances teaching but also sets an example for my students about the importance of being curious and adaptable. I have also learned that emotional well-being is just as crucial for effective learning, and this has made me shift my belief to include a focus on social-emotional learning, recognizing the importance of creating a supportive classroom environment where students feel safe to express their thoughts and emotions. As my view keeps evolving, I have come to understand that each student brings a unique set of strengths, challenges, and learning styles to the classroom. This realization has led me to embrace differentiated instruction, where I tailor my teaching strategies to meet the diverse needs of my students, ensuring that each learner has the opportunity to succeed. I realized that students learn best when they are actively involved in the learning process. As I write this, I am still learning, unlearning, and relearning about best practices in education delivery, I am still evolving, and my current belief is not cast in stone, as I move ahead, it is going to change.

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Educational Technology

Educational technology can be said to be the use of technology and digital tools to enhance teaching, learning, and administration in education. Reading about Educational technology,, I learned that, educational technology is about making learning better; it involves using cool tools like interactive whiteboards, virtual reality, tablets and laptops, podcasts and videos, gamification tools, collaborative tools like Microsoft Teams, and various methods to help teachers teach and make students learn. Educational technology includes anything from the materials used in class to how teachers interact with their students, and even how students get along with one another. Educational technology includes everything from software and applications to online courses and interactive devices that enhance how students learn and how teachers teach in today’s classroom.

Should we conclude that educational technology has only benefits and no drawbacks? For me, I would say, that for every positive aspect that technology offers, it also detracts from something beneficial, so I believe technology can be either advantageous or disadvantageous depending on its usage. please watch this brief video clip and share your thoughts.


  • Whenever technology occupies a prominent position in education, it’s similar to placing a poker chip into a cultural mix. We acquire some useful new methods but may also sacrifice some traditional aspects in the process. It is essential to strike a balance.
  • In the unpredictable realm of technology, there are always those who succeed and those who lag. Some schools receive brand-new devices, while others are still trying to get their Wi-Fi up and running. It is quite a varied experience that makes me wonder how we can guarantee everyone equal opportunity.
  • Every piece of technology has its hidden nuances! Whether they involve a bias or a belief, the tools we use are more than just gadgets; they represent ideas that can impact our teaching and learning processes. That’s some serious food for thought.
  • Embracing new technology is not simply about adding sprinkles to a cupcake; it is more like overhauling the entire recipe! It impacts all facets of education, and I’ve realized how interconnected these various elements can be.
  • We often view educational technology as if it’s a magic wand that can effortlessly resolve all our problems. However, like in any good story, we need to ask ourselves whether the magic is genuine or simply an illusion. Let’s be realistic, everyone!
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