It’s a Hangover Reference! Summary of Learning :P

Can’t believe the class is over already! It’s been a whirlwind and I have greatly enjoyed listening to everybody’s debates and perspectives. The more we can think about and analyze these topics at a deeper level, the more we can begin to understand the ramifications of using technology in the classroom. This includes how it affects our student’s learnings, but it also includes how technology affects the world as a whole. Below is my Summary of Learning. Go easy on me.

Sorry for the informality of it, but I had a lot of fun making this. I was giggling like a child the whole time. If you don’t have the same sense of humour that is okay. A lot of what I discussed was elaborated in great detail by all of you and I wouldn’t have been able to make it (well at least the more thoughtful parts) without all of your hard work throughout this semester! Thanks!


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I actually consider the following

You’ll only get the title if you see the name of my blog and if you’re a fan of the GOAT Bill Nye. The last debate was a doozy as we looked addressed how technology potential makes the world more equitable, not just the classroom. When we encompass everything it is hard to only talk about the good, we must address the bad, which has been a common theme throughout this course. Unfortunately, not everything is all sunshine and rainbows and I think being more aware of how technology is used, its pros, and even its negatives, will help us make more informed, ethical choices.

Bill Nye 'The Science Guy' is getting a new Netflix show. This is not a  drill. - The Washington Post

So when it comes to the world, there are scenarios where it can be better. I mentioned it in a comment during the debate, but the internet has created the ability for people in countries with “poorer” economies to find employment digitally and be able to bring in money from a different country. As a “nerd” one of the stories that I find sad/funny/weird is the story of Venezuelan RuneScape gold farmers. Essentially, those living in Venezuela collect a bunch of in game currency and then sell it for real world money, bringing in thousands of US dollars into their bank accounts. So on one hand that helps, but how did they get in that situation to begin with? I’m not an economist, but I feel like the disparity in technology probably had to do something with why there is so much inequity in the world. Well that and colonialism, but I feel like technology also has a relation to that as well.

When Fictional Videogame Economies Outperform Third World Socialist Ones:  The Tale of Venezuelan Gold Farmers in RuneScape | by Kevin Feng | Medium

Another topic we touched on was how maybe equal access could make things more equitable. A lot of us did agree that having equal access would help things trend in a better direction, but it might not necessarily change the equity piece, in terms of the student’s experience at least. Imagine two classes both have the same access to technology, but the teachers utilizing the technology with their classes have very different skill levels with the technology and the ability to teach different things. This Kappan article labelled Digital Equality Requires more than Access discusses this topic and how even our experiences with technology can differ, even if we all have it. The media and options presented to you are different, there might be access to certain programs a school division can’t gain access to while others can, etc. Access to technology does have a sense of equality, but that doesn’t necessarily lead to more equity.

Ok Zoomer: how seniors are learning to lead more digital ...

This is also something I didn’t consider. It is really making me look at things at a more in depth level. Just because we have it, doesn’t mean we can use it the same, and I think that is something to consider with a lot of other things that are a part of our lives and society. My summary of learning will be more of a wrap up of things, but I can’t help but start doing some of that now.

Throughout this class we have tried to expose ourselves to a variety of different ways of thinking and knowing. This challenges our own beliefs and as mentioned by myself a few times in my blogs, makes us more considerate of our decisions when it comes to technology. I hope moving forward that I take the chance to do more than make assumptions about technology and the way I’m using it. I’m genuinely curious as to how it affects the world. Obviously I’m very partial to the classroom and the way it impacts it positively, but after this debate, I’m so curious to dive more into how technology can divide us. I’m not excited that it does this.. but ah… you get it.

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Cellphones SHOULD NOT be banned…maybe?

Well, at least that is what we argued for. It is hard for the other team in the debate because that side stands for none at all then, when there are so many things that it can make easier. On the other side, you bet I understand that they can be a nuisance and distraction to getting things done. We mentioned it multiple times in our debate, but I genuinely believe proper classroom management is key to making it work. Is it going to be 100% perfect and you will never have a problem? Of course not. Kids aren’t supposed to hit each other and they still do sometimes. I’m not saying it solves the problem, but it certainly helps. In my experience, many teachers let things slide as the year goes. If you’re going to start something, start it at the beginning of the year and make a point of following it. Will it be easy? Maybe not initially for sure, but things take time.

Is it Time to Ban Cell Phones in School (this is not what you think)? |

Ontario’s ban on cellphones certainly shows that the government, ministry of education, and teachers have come to a breaking point. Other provinces have taken a similar route. I’m just wondering how it is going to look. However, the government has given schools the ability to let schools choose whether or not the students can use their phones for educational purposes. So, again, like mentioned in the debate, even the higher ups see the benefit.

Schools should turn off the phones

My school division has a policy and sometimes it also depends on circumstances on school. Here is an example of a policy for Lakeview Elementary. They recognize that the students can carry them, and it goes on to list when uses are appropriate and when not. We know that students aren’t always going to follow this, even if we go over it at the beginning of the year. We need to keep to really enforce the rules and do more to make it work, in my opinion, but I’ve talked at length in the debate about management.

Lakeview School Turning 100! | Regina Public Schools

In my personal experience having phones has been a big help. My school has technology to use, but not enough to meet the demand placed upon it. Sometimes I can only get a handful of laptops. The majority of students I taught this semester had phones though. I would reserve the laptops for anyone that didn’t have access to the internet, (this is also how I phrased it to people so they didn’t feel bad about maybe not having a phone) and then those that had phones worked. To avoid them goofing off, I typically made work due very quickly, which then forced kids to work and hand things in or face getting a a zero. The first time this happened, kids were surprised I put the zero in gradebook. We have a week policy in my division which always them to hand late items in up to a week after the due date, that doesn’t mean I can’t put a zero in until I get it. The zero normally sparks panic because their parents/guardians can see them. I’m not into causing stress, but deadlines are a part of life and learning the responsibility to do things in a timely manner is important.

Overall, I think phones have so many positives, but I have definitely had the struggle that so many of you are facing. I don’t think they should be banned, but there should definitely be more strict guidelines. There are already pretty clear guidelines, but the buy in from the teacher to enforce is huge.

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Picnic with Ilda and Ayodele!

Summary of Learning.

This blog is a joint effort by Ilda and Ayodele.

Today, Ayodele and I enjoyed a delightful picnic at Wascana Park, where we reflected on our experience in this class.  For me, this marks my last blog and class for my master’s degree, while for Aydole, the end of the first class. Despite our different milestones, we hope to put into practice the valuable knowledge that we learned.

In the last three weeks we explored various topics: from the importance of technology in enhancing students’ learning and whether it provides an equitable society or not, to the impact of social media and use of AI and cell phones in education. These discussions have been both eye-opening and thought provoking. As educators, our journey of continuous learning and professional growth will persist.

Cheers to new adventures!

Ilda & Ayodele

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Has Technology Led to a More Equitable Society?

Photo by Anna Shvets on

For certain things I would say that technology has led to a more equitable society and for others I would say that it has not. When it comes to helping students with various impairments, I would say that technology is crucial in enabling these people to express their needs and wants. This article Assistive Devices for People with Hearing, Voice, Speech, or Language Disorders, explains how technology is helping more and more people with “hearing, voice speech and language disorders communicate more meaningfully and participate more fully in their daily lives”. The same article also describes the various ways in which technology is addressing these challenges by creating hearing aids, speech generating devices and communication apps. Technology has revolutionized the way and given the opportunity to the individuals with impairments to interact with other people and fulfill their needs. The question is if everyone can afford financially to have any of these devices based on their need/s. Disparities in affordability can limit people from accessing these forms of technology, especially the low-income families. Additionally, due to the pace of technological advancement, people may not be able to keep up with the latest model of the device that they are using which creates inequities for a particular group of people.   

Photo by Julia M Cameron on

When it comes to education, I think technology offers various online platforms to the students to learn and fill their gaps. From IXL that supports students both in Math and ELA, to Seesaw, Prodigy, SORA, Treaty Ed Learning etc. students have the ability to utilize these tools and to enhance their learning and empower themselves with knowledge. However, GoGuardian argue that equitable access to technology “refers to all students having access to technology and information regardless of their ethnicity, socioeconomic status, age, physical ability, or any other quality”. Then the question raised is do all our students have equal access to technology? The answer is no. There are so many students and families who do not have a device or internet, and there are cases that don’t have them both, depending on the place where they are. So, even though the resources exist that doesn’t mean that everyone can access them.

Photo by Mati Mango on

In the form of media, technology has allowed for people to express their artistic capabilities, whether it be through online music, art, movie making etc. and to share their work much easier. Online platforms have given access to various artists, despite of their background and skill levels to showcase their abilities easier compared to the old ways that existed before. Imagine how many musicians and other artists we see on various social media platforms showing us their skills and abilities, bypassing the need to record or physical distribution of their work. The impact of technology and social media on the music industry share that the old way of peer-to-peer sharing of music files have switched to online streaming platforms on our mobiles devices, hence the physical sales have decreased from 132 million CDs sold in the UK in 2008 to 32 million.

Photo by olia danilevich on

Similarly, Technology has helped visual artist to be able to display and sell their works online. This digital revolution enables local artists to break geographical barriers and to become famous all over the world.

In conclusion, technology has created more opportunities for success in all forms of human life, through assistive devices, various educational resources, revolutionizing artistic expressions and many more. These advancements have improved the quality of life and offered opportunities to people that were out of reach previously. However, the challenge is if all the people are able to access these forms of technologies? The answer is no, not everyone has equal access to them. This creates and perpetuates disparities instead of creating equities. As we engage more with technology, it is crucial to address these inequities and to strive for a more just world where all the individuals can benefit from technological innovation.

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Do Cellphones Belong in the Classroom?

Photo by Yan Krukau on

Do cellphones belong in the classroom? It’s a sharp “NO” on my side. The reason is the distraction they cause, which of course will influence students’ performance in academics. Most of the students have a smart phone and if they were to keep it with them during school hours it is hard to imagine how teaching and learning would take place. The Harvard Gazette says that 77% of schools in USA prohibit cellphones, France does the same thing for students under the age of 15 and in China they are banned country wide for all ages. The reason of banning is linked to bullying and social isolation and the urgent need to keep students focused on schoolwork.  

Photo by Tracy Le Blanc on

Unfortunately, social media has made most people dependent on technology and their phones and the idea that they might be receiving notification is enough to make them not pay attention to what is going on in the classroom. During the debate it was mentioned that students receive 237 notifications per day and a quarter of them during school hours. With such a high number of notifications, students are pulled out of their learning, leading to gaps in academics. The constant interruption undermines the learning process making it harder to concentrate and fully engage with the activities in the classroom. Cellphones are an essential part of our communication and everyday life. But when the students are in the classroom their priority is to learn and communicate with teachers and peers and not be on their phones. The students already are using computers and tablets for learning purposes, and it is hard enough for the teachers to police them to not be destructed and play games, so if we add cellphones on top of that, that might result in even more chaotic and unproductive learning environment.

Photo by Afta Putta Gunawan on

Another reason why I think cellphones should be banned in the classroom is because of the social skills that students are lacking. Can you imagine what is going to happen during recess hours if we allow students to have their phones with them outside? I am pretty sure, and I know you are too, that they would all concentrate on taking silly pictures of themselves and playing games instead of interacting and talking with each other. We are already witnessing a decline in face-to-face communication and kids being less active, hence allowing cellphones would only exacerbate the issue. Instead of engaging in meaningful conversation and developing the much-needed social skills, students will miss the opportunities to build relationships with their peers and to be in a more relaxed environment. Recess is a crucial time for social development and if students are missing on that it could hinder their ability to navigate social situations effectively.

During the debate it was brought up the idea that teachers should teach students how to use phones responsibly. I agree with this point being made because we teach not just academics but much more or the so-called hidden curriculum. So, teaching them when and how to use cellphones should be a good start. This will also prepare students on how to handle cellphones when they start working, because as we know most of the working places do not allow employees to use their phones during working hours.

Also, from the opposing team were brought up two points why students need their cellphones in the classroom which are content creation and collaboration. For both of these points I would say that they can be managed without cellphones. Schools have tablets and computers, so students can utalize them to complete their assignments. They are easy to use and teachers can control them better if students are doing anything inappropriate compared to having to check their phones. Also, the school computers are equipped with tools that are really going to help students for their academics, minimizing the risk for destruction and inappropriate use.

As for collaboration, I would prefer my students to interact with each other face to face than through technology. Direct personal communication is crucial for developing communication skills. When they go for a job interview in the future, they won’t use the computer during the interview to answer the questions but they for sure will rely on their ability to articulate their thoughts clearly and in a meaningful way. Hence developing effective communication skills is something that cellphones won’t help our students.

In summary, I would say that while cellphones are a crucial part of everyday life, they do not and should not be part of the classroom because the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. The constant destruction from notifications, the lack of face-to-face communication, and the ability to impede the development of social skills are some of the reasons that cellphones are significant drawbacks that we cannot ignore. These factors disrupt the learning and prevent students focusing on gaining new skills and engaging meaningfully with their peers. By keeping cellphones out of the classroom, we prioritize the quality of education over the potential distraction and disruptions they produce.

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Did AI write this or did I?

My experience with AI isn’t limited, but I also don’t think it is what it could be. I think when utilized correctly, as Ilda and Ayodele discussed, there are so many advantages that can be had with it. However, as we are still very early days in it, there has also been a lot of abuse with it.

In 2022 I was teaching Social Studies 30. We had an ongoing dialectic essay throughout the semester. We had certain criteria that needed to be met, like hand-written jot notes, a rough draft with edits, a good copy, and a resource list. The paper discussed modern issues in Canadian society where a student would have to argue the positions of both sides of their issue (3 topics for each side), and then offer their perspective and a possible solution. A well-done one totaled about 6-7 pages on average. I thought something of this nature would avoid the AI craze. There was so much personalization and a clear process to follow that it would be blatantly obvious if a student did use AI. To my pleasure, but to also my dismay, I wasn’t wrong.

One student handed in a singular paragraph about how AI was going to take over the education system. I don’t know if he was trying to be meta or what with this topic. There were zero spelling errors, non-cited information, and it didn’t argue both sides. I failed them. I had grounds to stand on of course because it didn’t align with our rubric, but I also was uncomfortable with the fact that the student tried to cheat by using AI. How could I prove it though? I threw it through a couple different AI checkers, but I don’t have as stable ground to stand on when it came to these. These weren’t regulated in any manner. I took it to my vice-principal and we discussed it together.

We compared it to his old writing and it didn’t line up, but the only real way we could get to the bottom of it was through interrogating the student. The student was going to fail either way, and this would decide whether or not they were going to be allowed the chance to credit complete or not. The VP pulled him into his office and the student admitted to using chatgpt. The only real way, based on our current policies, to “get” the student was through an admission of guilt. The student said that everything they read showed that they couldn’t get caught and he had no idea how we knew. We had to explain the process of how we figured it out and it became more obvious to them.

I feel we are potentially going to a better place now, but this has been my experience for the last two years. Students using it improperly and not understanding how what what the program generated was not adequate to be handed in. I am a firm believer that AI can be a great tool to use in the classroom, but I don’t think we have necessarily done a great job, as a whole, to educate students on how to use it. Some teachers do a fantastic job of it, while others avoid it like the plague.

If we want to use it for a good in the future, we certainly need to be addressing it to avoid situations like this. I think there will always be students who try to take an easy way out and will abuse it, but I always end up with at least 1 kid who tries to take the easy way out in other classes without AI. If we can mitigate the overall numbers and teach the majority of students to use it properly, I think we can lower instances like my example above. I still believe that there will always be someone to abuse it though. I don’t know if that can be avoided.

One topic I liked from the debate was that some teachers are worried about chatgpt and other AI’s because it wrecks their only way of assessment or teaching that they have ever known. Too many teachers are heavily reliant on essays or a formal piece of writing. I do think this issue of those misusing AI is a good thing, because it forces some of those teachers to take a look inward at their own practices. Maybe there are other ways of doing things? Maybe we should have been doing those things all along?

This one was a lot more personal with my example above. I feel like I went on a rant, but I wanted to showcase my own personal experience.


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AI Technologies Will Revolutionize Education!

Photo by Tara Winstead on

Are you concerned that you won’t have time to get to know all your students as your classroom needs are so high? Are you concerned that you won’t be able to support your students with individualized learning? You don’t have to worry anymore! AI will help you and your students in many ways and make teaching a breeze! Here are some ways that AI can help:

Photo by on

Personalized learning.

Ai is revolutionizing education, moving from one-size-fits-all to individualized instruction. Can you imagine learning in a way that is most beneficially for you and your learning style? The advantages would be enormous. I am going to share my experience with this innovative educational model. Last year, my school used MindPlay to improve the reading skills of students with learning disabilities. Initially, the students had to take an hour-long test to assess their reading level and find out the gaps they had. After the assessment, MindPlay created individualized lessons. The students practiced every day for 30 minutes, and they also received additional help from the Learning Resource and the classroom teacher. Students’ growth in a month after using this program was equal to that of one year. This demonstrates the remarkable impact that AI can have when utilized as a supplementary tool alongside the traditional way.


Photo by Boys in Bristol Photography on

AI language translation tools will have a profound influence on non-native English speaker students, improving their learning experience and offering them the same quality of education as native speaker. By breaking down the language barriers, AI tools will facilitate a more inclusive environment that will enhance students’ learning experience. So, education will no longer be confined by linguistic limitations but will be something where diversity and language are celebrated and embraced. The ability to translate academic materials immediately will foster active engagement for EAL students, thereby reducing educational inequalities.

Predictive analytics for students’ success.

Photo by cottonbro studio on

Imagine a scenario where teachers can anticipate the academic challenges their students might face. With AI’s predictive analytic capabilities, this is not a far-fetched idea. AI can detect students’ struggles in advance, allowing teachers to intervene promptly and provide the necessary support. This proactive approach ensures that students can bridge their learning gaps faster and keep up with their peers. This form of AI goes beyond teaching; it ensures that every student has the opportunity to succeed academically.

During our discussion about the impact of AI in education, the opposing team saw this as a threat to students’ privacy, with which I disagree. They gave a scenario when one student decided to go and meet her friends at the mall instead of doing what she was supposed to do; go to school and learn! Her robot coach had access to the messages exchanged and, based on the data collection, predicted a probability of 87%. that the students would not attend school that day. AI sent a personalized message to push the student to go to school. This was considered as a bridge to the student’s privacy, instead as an innovative thing of AI, to keep students engaged with school. As for the concern of protection of private data I may argue that the use of AI in this way represents a significant trade-off between privacy and educational engagement. So, the real power of AI lies in its potential to improve students’ performance and attendance.

Another way that AI will revolutionize education is by helping students with disabilities. This point was also argued as something that AI won’t be able to help students with disabilities to which I disagree, because AI is a game changer for nonverbal students who use AAC devices (Augmentative Alternative Communication). AAC devices powered by AI tools could help these students overcome their speech challenges.

Photo by Prateek Katyal on

In conclusion, the importance of AI in education is undeniable. By providing personalized learning experiences, breaking down language barriers, predicting academic struggles, and supporting students with disabilities, AI will revolutionize education. While there might still be some privacy and data protection concerns, the benefits we can get are immense. AI’s tools can serve as valuable supplements to traditional learning methods, and when used effectively, they can enhance students’ learning. Embracing AI and its tools will address the current challenges of the education system and pave the way for a more innovative learning environment.

I would like to finish this post with the video below:

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Hurt People Hurt People

Is social media ruining childhood? This is a very difficult topic because it is approached from all sorts of different angles, depending on who is talking about it. For some they argue that of course social media is ruining childhood. The common argument stems from the point of view that, “When I was a kid I was always outside or doing something. Now kids are only on their phones!” So of course that is a blanket statement and cannot be cast over the entirety of children. Also, just because someone’s childhood (or my childhood for instance) is different than yours, does not necessarily mean it is bad. Looking at the history of the world each generation’s childhood has been drastically different than those before and we’ve historically always been afraid of technology. The world evolves and things change. Maybe something to consider now that our current students are cringing at and making fun of the music that we think is awesome (Side note: If you’re in Regina, I can’t stand what has happened to the radio station 92.1. If I have to listen to another late 90’s or early 2000s song I’m going to snap).

MusicLee on X: "Step up your game modern music 🤔 #music #memes #meme # musicmeme #newmusic #soldiersmusic #funnymemes #funny #modernmusic  #goodolddays" / X

Social Media is designed to help people stay connected. It certainly does that. Some misuse it and use it to hurt people or “cyberbully”. Yes that is an issue. What if we just took away social media from the people that want to do that? That would automatically fix the problem, right? I argue it might not be as affective. That person that was the one bullying could just find a different avenue to do it. Why don’t we try and help that insecure individual who feels that they have to hurt someone to feel better about themselves?

The Simpsons Theory: Nelson's Real Dad Is Barney Gumble

I used an analogy last post, so here’s another: If a child hits another child with a stick, take the stick away, right? Why don’t we just do a better job of teaching the child not to hit people and deal with things in a better way? (Please do not relate this to the issue of gun control. Sticks are just sticks. Guns are designed to kill. That is their use). Or the analogy of if there are are babies floating down a river, how do we help? Make a dam to catch the babies? Pick out each baby one by one? Or we could just go find out why there are babies floating down the river and stop that? Shout out Dr. Michael Cappello for that latter analogy. I relate this idea to that of cyberbullying. People that don’t know how to deal with their emotions and issues will find a different way to let it out or “bully”. Bullying was a thing before social media and will continue to be a thing if it somehow ever does.

Babies in the River | The ILR School | Cornell University

Here’s an example of the double edged sword that is social media. Who remembers the unfortunate story of Amanda Todd ? A teenager who was bullied and extorted online. She committed suicide in 2012. I was in the 10th grade when it happened. The power of social media led to her death. She tried to reach out, via social media, and the video she created absolutely blew up. This caused discussions around the world of the power of social media, how to use it appropriately, and where the issues are. Is the sacrifice of a child worth everyone realizing how messed up things can get? I don’t know and I don’t know if I’ll ever know.

On another note many have claimed that Social media leads to depression. An article title The Kids are Alright argues that this is not the case and most studies done have not had the appropriate evidence to conclude this. As stated in the article,

“They studied nearly 600 adolescents and more than 1,000 young adults over two and six years, respectively, and found that social media use did not predict depressive symptoms but that depressive symptoms predicted more frequent social media use among adolescent girls…We know that problematic smartphone use may as likely be a
result of mental health problems as a cause, and that calls for a different set of solutions.”

This adds to some of my earlier analogies? What is the root of the children’s issues and how do we address those, so that maybe they don’t know rely on social media so much? Did I do this study? No. Do we know if this will be the same case in 20 years? No. It does offer a different perspective at looking at social media as the issue though.

Be kind to each other.



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Aren’t crutches designed to help people walk that can’t though?

I believe I heard Katia say this during the winter semester when it came to talking about technology as a crutch. There was also a lot of talk about how technology “supports” learning, but it doesn’t ‘enhance’ it. I’ll be honest, that doesn’t make sense to me. If something is supporting you or aiding you to be able to do/learn something, does that not enhance it? I’m getting very literal with the statement, but hey, that’s how debates are sometimes. The topics given are intentionally polarizing so that we can reflect on both sides. Luckily, in the real world we don’t have to be so black and white with things. I firmly believe that at times, you bet it enhances learning. At other times, yeah we probably don’t need to go this route. Finding that healthy balance is something that I think many of us are reaching for.

Alright so with the crutch analogy, I get it. Some people are too heavily reliant on certain technologies/others to accomplish things. That is an issue. Where does that issue stem from though? Was the the child taught how to use a device properly? Has there been an attempt at rules/regulations/even classroom management techniques (in certain circumstances) to try and deal with these issues? Is there actual practice time set in place to aid these weaknesses? I’m not throwing anyone under the bus when it comes to this, but I feel like there are also a lot of external factors, besides the child, that lead to this. Sometimes it is just easier to give a kid technology than meeting them where they are. I get it. We’re busy and we have a timeline, so a quick fix is sometimes more economical when it comes down to it. Kind of like just giving a screaming child an iPad because it’s just easier than entertaining that child ourselves. Hope I didn’t offend anyone with that one. Topic for a different time!

In my experience, I have seen students take advantage of certain resources, like tech, scribes, etc because they were allowed to. There have been multiple cases where a student is provided a scribe (usually an EA) who is supposed to take notes/write for the student in specific situations. Things were not made clear and the student would pressure the EA into writing everything down for them or just assume that the EA would do that for them. Avoidance is not going to help a child improve their weaker areas, so again, by all means I understand where many people come from when they say students are too reliant on things.

On the other side for the kids taking advantage of tech and supports, there are students who actually do use the supports given to them appropriately and it does enhance their learning. The last school I was at was almost 50% EAL. Huge respect to those that are getting an education in a language that they are not fluent in, yet. I can’t imagine how different my own schooling experience would have been if I was in a similar situation. Not saying mine would have been bad, but it just would have been very different and I could have seen my own confidence levels affected. Continuing on, I had a lot of students rely on technology when it came to doing homework. From translating words, to using a thesaurus and dictionary (that was made more easily accessible because of technology) the students were able to have some equity in their learning.

In order do use technology effectively I think we actually do have to use it like a crutch sometimes (see what I did there?). Crutches are designed to help people who need help walking. Some people, no matter what, will always need that help to walk. While others are fortunate enough to be able to heal and walk on their own. I think when technology is used in a similar way, used to aid and then can be maybe phased out, is a starting point for individuals who desperately do need that support for where they are in their educational journey.

Side note about Outdoor experiences being better than using technology, which was used in the debate: how are you getting to where you want to go? Bus? Are you doing something like trapping or using maps? Are you writing things down? You walking around barefoot or wearing shoes? That last one is a little petty, but even when we’re outside, we’re still using a lot of technology to get things done. Maybe not in the sense of computers and phones but a hammer, heck even the way you use a stick, is still technology. In honour of Dr. Nick Forsberg, I have to say that just being outside or having class outside and not utilizing the land and learning from it is not outdoor education. This does require us to look at the land scientifically and use it to complete goals or aims, which is a form of tech.

Bottom line for me, yes it does enhance learning. This depends on so many factors though. We didn’t even get into when accessibility is a huge issue and some of the other socio-economic areas. Some areas it takes away, but I think overall it has done so much good and made things better.


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