My Personal Understanding of Educational Technology

     As the world keeps changing, so do people need to change in terms of improvement. Any activities need to have refreshments, evaluations, and rooms for improvements. Those activities will be monotonous if the patterns are the same day by day, month to month, and year to year. These kinds of activities will be left behind by people who always look for improvements and positive changes. The activities of teaching and learning need to be improved to provide the best educational experience to people. To improve the educational activities, the needs to learn new skills and things are very crucial. Technology should be an important tool to facilitate teaching and learning activities, not only upgrading the educator’s skills in terms of lesson knowledge and teaching and learning methods.

     People start to realize that education is important. I think that people as well as educators try their best to accommodate and facilitate the learners with the knowledge not only from textbooks but from the current and latest technology at that time. The common technology to support the learners is the computer. Many activities we can do with computers. From writing emails, making presentations, and creating tasks. I have discussed how the world keeps changing every day. The technology has drastically changed. The world has relied on the internet to connect everything.  I think educational technology is more than just using computers and making presentations. It is more into the idea of using the current and up-to-date technology to bring impacts in education areas.

     Historical and philosophical cultures and research have shaped me to give the best teaching by combining teaching and learning activities with technology. I usually let my students make presentations and they can decorate as well as design their presentations. I think it is very important to give room for students to improve and show their tasks digitally. I always believe that something monotonous will trigger learners negatively. Finding and facilitating students with different and various activities will bring positive impacts in their education journeys.

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