Productivity suites

Productivity suites plays a vital role in 21st century education sector. It has been integrated at different levels in education sector from pre-primary to high school. In pre-primary we use these productivity suites to make different worksheets for the students. As a teacher these tools help us to work together on one document while sitting at different locations as per our convenience. Tools such as google docs, google spread sheet help us to prepare results of the student. These tools help us to work together but at our comfort level because we can work wherever and whenever we want as per our schedule. As a students these tools help the students to make their learning more engaging and interactive. Tools such as power point presentation, Prezi present the content in such a manner that attracts the learner attention and engage them in the learning process because as we all know that the students will learn better by observing and viewing the things rather than just listening.A speaker engages the audience while presenting a digital marketing plan using a large screen in a contemporary classroom These productivity tools play a vital role in developing various skills that are required by the students in 21st century. As we all are familiar with the fact that the present and the future era is all about technology so it is very important that the students should have the knowledge of these tools to have a successful career in future. This learning process need to be upgraded as per the advancement in the technology so that there should not be any gap between their learning phase and working phase in future. However, one should use the productivity suites wisely as over reliance on technology may affect our thinking power and reduce our creativity and efficiency. So, one should know how to use these tools effectively to increase our productivity and should not have any negative effect on us.

Theories of learning

As an educator various theories of learning has influenced my teaching journey but the one that underpin my classroom practices is constructivism theory. In the initial stage of my teaching, constructivism theory given by Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky has a major impact on my teaching practices. This theory states that the interest of the learners is built through their active engagement in the classroom activities and practices using new material and ideas. It focus on student centered learning, where students construct their knowledge through experiences rather than simply receiving the information from the teacher. In this theory the main task is to create a classroom environment where students find their answers on their own and discover new things and ideas through various activities and group practices.

As I have gained more experience in teaching field and observed more things, I have recognized the importance of social learning in education field. Gradually, I have started integrating Albert Bandura’s Social learning theory in my classroom practices. As per his theory learning takes place within social context, specifically through imitation, modelling and observation. Students learn more while interacting with their peers, teachers and with other people in their surroundings. After observing these things, I have started incorporating collaborative learning practices in my classroom teaching. I have planned the group activities where they observe that how their friends are performing the activities and imitate their actions and was able to perform activities more effectively and efficiently. During these activities they are also learning social etiquettes, as how to deal with peers and friends in the social structure. By incorporating the elements from various theories, I was able to develop a more flexible and student centered approach that helped me to make the teaching learning process more effective. But, I believe that as I go forward in this field my beliefs will continue to shift both as a learner and as an educator as per the changes that takes place in education sector.

History and Foundation of Education Technology

In present scenario the definition of the term ‘educational technology’ has evolved to a large extent which includes the integration of different methodologies, digital tools and philosophies. A contemporary definition of education technology can be refer to as a holistic framework that integrates the digital tools to facilitate learning and will help to improve the educational outcomes.

digital education: online courses and apps for adult learners

I have read  the article A short history of educational technology, and it was very interesting to see the changes that took place in the field of education from teaching through blackboards and books to using digital tools and innovations for teaching in modern era. The article focus on the role of radio and television in distance education and then highlights the impact of computer assisted learning and internet in teaching. the motive of the article  is to explain how advancement in technology has reshaped the practices in education.

Lifelong learning concept. Man holding and reading the book.

My understanding and practice of using educational technology has evolved in multiple ways. When I was a student my teachers were using books and blackboards to teach us and gradually these blackboards were transformed into smart boards and the studies became more interesting for us because of these smart boards. Then slowly and gradually the use of computers and technology has increased in the field of education for different purposes. As I became a teacher I can see a drastic change in the field of education because of these digital tools as they have opened the way for deep learning and connections. Technology advancement in education has made the learning process more flexible, interactive and adaptive for the students as well as the teacher. As per my view point educational technology is something more then a tool as it is accessible to everyone and it allows life long learning for all the individual which was not possible earlier.