The AI Effect

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being widely incorporated into other sectors due to the fast-paced advancements in technology. We now rely on AI in all aspects of our everyday lives, such as in our homes, workplaces, and education as well. As an educator, utilizing generative AI offers both thrilling possibilities and possible difficulties. This blog article will examine my current use of generative AI, the main advantages and disadvantages of this technology, and the future potential of AI in education.

The Current Landscape –

The present state of affairs involves the integration of Generative AI, a specific branch of artificial intelligence that is dedicated to the independent creation of material, into educational settings through various means:

Content Creation: AI-driven systems have the ability to produce educational resources, including quizzes, worksheets, and study guides, that are customized to meet the specific needs of each student. It is really helpful, sometimes we don’t have any idea how to start something and AI can give us wonderful ideas.

Personalized Learning: Through the analysis of student data, AI algorithms can offer tailored suggestions for educational materials and adjust learning paths to accommodate the individual pace and learning preferences of each student.

Language learning platforms employ artificial intelligence to offer immediate feedback on pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary usage, hence boosting the learning experience for students. Language learning becomes so easy nowadays, we don’t have to pay fees to coaching classes to learn another language because of AI.

Daily Usage of AI in Education and Beyond –

Utilization of AI in Education and Beyond on a Daily Basis Tools for Enhancing Student Learning: Artificial intelligence (AI) driven learning platforms and applications support students in different parts of their academic progress, such as providing assistance with homework, facilitating language acquisition, and offering personalized adaptive tutoring systems that cater to their specific requirements.

Educational analytics involves the use of AI-driven analytics by educators to monitor student progress, identify areas for development, and customize education based on data insights. This approach ensures that every student has the necessary support to achieve success.

Virtual Assistants: AI-driven virtual assistants, such as chatbots, enable expedient access to information and assistance for both students and educators. They are capable of answering queries, arranging appointments, and providing reminders.

Content Recommendations: Streaming platforms, news websites, and social media employ AI algorithms to suggest personalised content according to users’ tastes and previous actions, influencing their daily consumption patterns.

Language Translation: AI-driven translation tools enhance communication across language boundaries, allowing students to access educational resources and engage in collaboration with classmates from various linguistic backgrounds.

Health and Wellness: AI-powered health and wellness applications track physical activity, sleep habits, and dietary intake, providing tailored suggestions for promoting both physical and emotional well-being.

Smart home assistants, such as smart speakers, utilize artificial intelligence technology to simplify everyday activities including making reminders, organizing schedules, and operating smart home gadgets. This improves convenience and effectiveness.

Benefits and Considerations –

AI enhances convenience and efficiency by streamlining daily tasks and routines, hence reducing the amount of time and effort required by students and educators. This enables them to allocate their energy towards more significant endeavors.

Data privacy and security are of utmost importance as AI-driven technologies gather and analyze large quantities of personal data. This calls for strong measures and clear procedures to preserve user information.

Digital Literacy: As AI becomes more prevalent in our everyday lives, it is crucial to acquire digital literacy abilities in order to effectively navigate and analyze technology-driven experiences.

Ethical considerations are of utmost importance when it comes to AI. It is necessary to be aware of the ethical implications, such as prejudice, justice, and accountability, in order to ensure responsible use and minimize potential risks and downsides.

Future Implications –

Improved Personalization: Artificial intelligence will further enhance its capacity to provide customized experiences that are tailored to individual tastes, requirements, and circumstances. This will bring about a significant transformation in the way students learn and educators educate.

Augmented Decision-Making: AI-powered decision support systems will aid students, educators, and individuals in making well-informed judgements in diverse fields, ranging from academic selections to career strategizing and beyond.

The collaboration between people and AI systems will become more fluid and symbiotic, with AI enhancing human abilities rather than substituting them. This will promote innovation and creativity in education and other fields.

To summarize, whilst generative AI offers educators unique chances to improve learning experiences and results, it also brings up significant concerns surrounding fairness, privacy, and ethical utilization. By using AI in a responsible manner and aggressively confronting its difficulties, educators may utilize its revolutionary capacity to establish learning environments that are more comprehensive, tailored, and efficient for all students. Sometimes, I feel that nowadays students are lucky because they have AI for their help because in my time I have learned everything in a conventional way without any help. But I also feels like it is making us lazy as well, we don’t put pressure on our minds, in this way our critical thinking skills are not developing as compare to the past times.

EC&I 833 Summary of Learning

Well I got inspired by an old coworkers, Logan Petlak’s, summary of learning on the exemplar page, so I decided to do a rap. WOW, did I bite off more than I could chew. Trying to get all the content and explain myself while rhyming felt impossible. Also to get 5 minutes when you are saying everything so fast was very difficult. Splicing music to make the song longer was also a new skill I had gained along the way. But what matters, is it is finished! I hope it comes across as clear to you, as it does in my own head. I put the names of all the dance moves I was doing from the 90s because I am weird and had to stay on trend with Prince of Belair song! Toby (my doggo) is obviously the star of the show. It is very embarrassing. So enjoy.

Summary: I start off by speaking about how I have learned about the different types of knowledge and how all are important not just Positivist view of one objective answer. Multiple realities and how students use said knowledge to create their own ideas is also valuable. Then I speak about the learning theories we learned! I demonstrate different technology that fits the different theories. The behaviorist technology that I have used to helps students learn objective knowledge in math and science. This including online learning technology that helped me create lesson videos! Next I talk about Cognitive learning theory and some technology that you could use to foster discussion and allow for that higher level of learning. Lastly for the theories I speak about constructive theory technology that students can use to create new items and ideas! Including, makerspaces and how they foster resilience and life long learning. I also take some time to talk about how I learned about some new assistive technology that I am using now in my classes! Lastly when I was diving into my AI blog I came across this video of machines taking over our lives. So I think it is important we still keep learning and have more knowledge than AI so it does not control our lives.

The next section is the negative side of technology and how there is good but there is also evil! I never knew I had to be weary of new technology! I always knew corporations top priority was making money but I was so unaware that had leaked into education and how this might affect our students. Web 2.0 was a great invention but because everyone can put their own realities and knowledge on the internet it has made it so people take some of this knowledge as objective knowledge when it is not. This has caused a political divide, even here in Canada. Social media has contributed to this as well. Machines are very efficient but not a lot of morality as well.

Not sure if I needed the summary or it was clear, would love any comments or questions, thanks!

EC&I 833 – Summary of Learning – Trivia

Well, I hope everyone likes trivia!

And, I hope everyone has studied the concepts and theories of ECI 833 in depth.

We are about to embark on a rollercoaster of emotion that starts with testing your knowledge on the foundations and history of Educational Technology.

Look no further, and watch the video below to test your abilities and achievements in this course.

Please let me know how you faired in the comments below.

Thanks for your time, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Also, the video of my face somehow was quite small when it was uploaded to YouTube, but feel free to check out the link here for a more full-sized video.

EC&I 833 – Summary of Learning – Trivia

Well, I hope everyone likes trivia!

And, I hope everyone has studied the concepts and theories of ECI 833 in depth.

We are about to embark on a rollercoaster of emotion that starts with testing your knowledge on the foundations and history of Educational Technology.

Look no further, and watch the video below to test your abilities and achievements in this course.

Please let me know how you faired in the comments below.

Thanks for your time, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Also, the video of my face somehow was quite small when it was uploaded to YouTube, but feel free to check out the link here for a more full-sized video.

Summary of Learning EC&I 833

I’m grateful for this wonderful semester. It was my second course with “Katia.” And the second ED tech course.In this video, I aim to share my Summary of Learning. Throughout this semester, our discussions have been rich with insightful points, and each presentation was executed wonderfully. I’ve gleaned valuable knowledge from our classroom interactions, which I’ve applied in my daily life. Topics like learning theories, online learning, the integration of audiovisual aids, assistive technology, and coding have enriched my learning experience. I extend my gratitude to all participants for making this semester enjoyable.

ECI 833 – AI

When I think of Artificial Intelligence, I am instantly transported to a Galaxy Cinema as an 11-year-old circa 2004 for the release of “I, Robot“, starring Will Smith. The movie delved into the concept of robots overtaking humans to conquer the world. This movie was slightly terrifying as a youngster, and even more so as an adult reflecting on AI this week.

And yes, the robots were very intense!

However, Generative AI does not have the same design or look as the robots in the movie above, but their process is very similar. AI can be more simply understood as “…the ability of machines or computer systems to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence”. Well, this does not sound too bad as it can be efficient to allow a computer or program to do tasks faster than a human can. Further, another train of thought vocalizes the dangers of allowing computers/programs to make decisions that need human intelligence, where we draw the line, and who is allowed to draw those lines. There are ethical concerns about the utilization of AI and the various frameworks for how it is being implemented in fields such as healthcare, criminal justice, and even finance. These are all valid questions, and no easy answers exist. Although, I do think that as teachers it is our job to find ways to innovate and adapt our instruction to best meet the needs of our students. And, I am cognizant that there are teachers who think it is valuable for educators to model ethical practices. So, it is important to try and remain neutral as more laws and ethics are developed around it.

I really liked Cailen’s video she posted on her blog this week from TedEd that examines the future of AI and how it will change the world that we know currently. I do think it is important to reflect on these new programs like AI to make our jobs easier rather than fear the impact it could have on the way things have been done in the past. I would recommend watching the video below to further explain how AI learns and evolves because this will aid in reducing the fear and misunderstanding of these programs.

Therefore, as much as AI is a polarizing buzzword among people at this present moment, it is still a program/machine that allows for the efficiency of tasks. I think that we as educators should be thrilled to find a program that offers this, but before we start celebrating, we must first really learn how each of these programs functions to maximize its learning capabilities. I think of the analogy of how someone who has taught a certain subject before offers you all their content and assessment material, but it is you who brings that course to life by how you present it, but not strictly the binder that you were handed to teach the course. Thus, it is so critical that teachers learn how different AI programs function to better allow students to learn and synthesize information, but this will mean that educators will need to change how assessments will look and feel in the classroom. This is a tough change for some subjects in particular, and it is difficult to feel at peace with how we as educators are preparing students for a future that is so ever-changing. It can be an overwhelming feeling to think if we are truly making a difference in students’ educational journey by how we prepare them for the future, but for me, it goes far beyond the content or process of outcome attainment. For me, my role as an educator focuses on the connections and relationships with students that foster a curiosity to ask questions and then learn where to seek answers. AI is one of the tools that can aid in this process.

Ps, if you would like to watch the movie “I, Robot”, I would give it a solid 8/10. The robots are quite creepy at times, so be prepared for that!

Thanks for your time! And let me know how AI has changed or has not changed your classroom.

ECI833 Summary of Learning

I’m currently completing my third and fourth classes instructed by Dr. Hildebrandt, and therefore this is my third (and fourth) Summary of Learning project. As I pondered how I could approach it in a unique way, I decided that I would take what I learned from this course and apply it… to my 4 year old. Enjoy!

The Other Side of the Door – What The Future Holds With AI

As I’m currently on maternity leave for this full school year, I’m not using AI in an educational/professional context at the moment, apart from my own post secondary education. However, I have been using it more and more for personal uses, and I’m 100% still nerding out over how cool it is.

Since I’m not in the classroom right now, I haven’t ventured too far beyond ChatGPT, but I know that when I’m teaching again, I’ll be exploring other generative AI tools that are specifically suited for education, like MagicSchool. Learning more about chatbots, however, it seems to be less about the platform and more about the prompt.

One way I’ve been using it at home is for cooking, and man oh man, it’s been a lifesaver on some of those what the heck are we having for supper nights. Being able to ask for a recipe with whatever random ingredients I have left in my fridge and pantry on those scrounging days has been a huge help in whipping something up that is half decent! It typically takes me two or three “tries” to get the type of recipe that will work for the night, but eventually, it always gets it.

Another way I’ve been using AI is for parenting help (yes, seriously). My 4 year old daughter is entering the age of making friends and increased socialization at school and other places like parks and play places. Expectedly, we’ve run into some challenges with exactly how to make friends or even how exactly to be friendly! ChatGPT has been a major help in creating social stories with June as the main character, walking her through how to initiate conversations, ask to play, or how to respond in situations that might not go as she planned. The possibilities are really endless with this one as I can keep prompting the AI tool to generate stories based on whatever situation we find ourselves in (getting a needle, first day of Kindergarten, trying new foods, etc!). All this valuable help…and all for free…at the minute I need it. Pretty darn cool.

Another AI use in the parenting realm has recently been for generating rhyming clues for an Easter egg hunt. I had high hopes for this one. However, I ended up writing the clues myself after several attempts to get ChatGPT to do what I wanted it to do. I don’t think I could get the prompt right, or maybe AI isn’t great at rhyming yet? Either way, after several prompt tweaks here is an example of what I got:


I wonder if I kept tweaking it if eventually it would have got it. Maybe? But at that point I figured the time spent changing my prompt could just be spent creating the clues myself in roughly the same time. It makes me wonder about the ability for artificial intelligence to be creative and if the human mind still has the upper hand with this one. I don’t doubt that this area will improve with time and ChatGPT will be spittin’ rhymes much better than the ones I could drum up.

When it comes to AI, the possibilities are truly endless. Which is equal parts exciting and terrifying. Something I find extremely comforting, though, is that no matter how good AI eventually gets, humans will still crave HUMAN connection. And it will always be an important part of the experience of life. So I don’t think AI will ever be able to fully replace humans. But thinking about the medical and technological advancements it could make for our world for the better is pretty incredible.

Empowering Educators, Engaging Learners: The Summary of Learning

Welcome to my journey through the dynamic landscape of educational technology. This is my third course with Dr. Katia, I’m filled with gratitude towards her and my classmates. Under her guidance, I’ve delved into the realm of educational technology, acquiring invaluable knowledge and skills. Unlike my prior studies and teaching experiences, where technology played a minimal role, I now find myself well-versed in various educational software and applications. Thanks to Dr. Katia’s courses, I’ve gained confidence in integrating technology seamlessly into both my current studies and future classroom as an educator. I owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Katia and my peers for this transformative learning journey.

In the video, I’ve shared my thoughts about the transformative impact of technology on teaching and learning, from the integration of audio-visual tools and online learning platforms to the evolution of the internet and the rise of artificial intelligence. Join me as I post the link for the Cospaces Edu the platform where I’ve made my summary of learning and I delve into key themes such as digital citizenship, inclusive education, and the future of learning. Get ready to discover how innovative technologies are shaping the way we educate and empower learners in the digital age.

Here is the link to see my summary of learning on Cospaces Edu –