My Journey in Education Technology!!!

Hello, and welcome to my blog for my ECI 833 course where I am going to cover the fundamentals of educational technology. It has been apparent to me in the first two weeks of EC&I 833 that whatever definition I provide for the word “educational technology” will change as the course progresses during the semester. However, at this early point, I would characterize educational technology as including the learning, modifications, and evaluation that occur while using technologies like the internet, iPhones, applications, Smartboards, online learning communities, and several other tools


The dynamic force of education technology is exerting a substantial influence on the  changing environment of learning. Maintaining the fundamental human components of education while embracing the opportunities it presents calls for a careful balance between innovation and conservatism. Technology must be used to enhance, not to replace, the crucial roles that mentors and instructors play in education. In the end, the continued convergence of technology and education promises to provide learners everywhere with a more diverse, interesting, and productive educational experience. The main benefit of education technology is its capacity to increase inclusivity and accessibility in the classroom. Geographical obstacles have been removed by the availability of online courses, digital textbooks, and e-learning platforms, giving people from a variety of backgrounds access to high-quality education. Additionally, technology has given disabled students more power by giving them access to materials and tools that let them actively participate in the educational process.

Throughout my time at university, I have encountered instructional technology in the fields of remote sensing and GIS, which has been both eye-opening and life-changing. Throughout all of my academic pursuits, technology has been crucial in shaping my interactions with and assimilation of knowledge regarding these complex spatial sciences. The integration of remote sensing technology and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) into the academic programme opened up new avenues for understanding and inquiry. I expanded my knowledge of the Earth’s surface and its dynamic processes by delving into the possibilities of satellite photography, aerial surveys, and geospatial analysis. Technology-driven collaborative projects provide chances to work with colleagues on real-world problems, utilizing GIS and remote sensing methods to tackle complex spatial problems. Cloud-based platforms and virtual teamwork improved the effectiveness of collaboration by enabling smooth data sharing and cooperative analysis.

Furthermore, I saw the introduction of cutting-edge instruments and software in the sector as a result of the ongoing growth of technology. In addition to keeping up with technology advancements, the incorporation of machine learning algorithms, data visualization tools, and 3D modelling software broadened the scope of remote sensing and GIS teaching. When I think back on my experience learning about remote sensing and GIS at the university level, I realize how important the internet was in influencing how I understood educational technology. The internet proved to be a useful tool for topic research, concept support, and learning new facts. My experience with iPads gave me new perspectives on how technology could help students who are struggling academically. With the help of apps like Dragon Dictation, kids who struggle with writing could produce written documents by speaking aloud. I see that most of what I know about educational technology is directly related to assistive technology, based on my work as a learning resource teacher.

Connecting world with internet.

As I continue my studies in EC&I 833 as a professional learner, I find it fascinating to see how far educational technologies have come. According to Tony Bates, “The first fully online courses (for credit) began to appear in 1995. Some of these loaded text as PDFs or slides, while others used Learning Management Systems. The majority of the contents were written and visual. Twenty-three years later, we find ourselves using Zoom for classroom discussions and instruction, and creating virtual learning communities via blogs and Twitter .Neil Postman highlights a vital point about technology in his conclusion. Postman (1998) states clearly, “Technology both gives and takes away.” This implies that there is always a drawback to a new technology for every benefit it provides. The benefit might outweigh the drawback in significance, or the benefit might be well worth the expense (p. 1). While the educational advantages of technology are endless, it is necessary to remain cognizant of the responsibilities connected with its power. Postman’s remarks are in line with what Channing writes in his blog post “Educational Technologies: My Views.” Channing emphasizes, “Students can typically access a multitude of knowledge at any given time because to technology. We must impart to them the knowledge and abilities needed to access and evaluate this material, which is so easily at their disposal.” I completely agree with this viewpoint. We must simultaneously foster in students the capacity for critical thought and responsible digital usage, while also advocating for their access to and use of technology.

Until next time,

Suruchi Verma