Productivity Suites

A productivity suite is “​​A set of applications that generally includes at least a word processing, spreadsheet and presentation graphics program.” Productivity suites have been around for longer than you may think. In 1983, Lotus Symphony was launched as the “first fully integrated productivity suite.” Microsoft office became popular in the 1990’s and has remained... Continue Reading →

Theories of Knowledge

This week in class we discussed theories of knowledge. We talked mainly about Behaviourism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism. Behaviourist theories are concerned with how people respond to stimuli instead of study of the mind. People can be conditioned to have a certain response to a stimulus where the response and stimulus have no obvious connection (think... Continue Reading →

Education+technology= educational technology?

How can we define educational technology? Well, two words. One being educational and the other technology. Merriam-webster defines "educational" as: "the field of study that deals mainly with methods of teaching and learning in schools" and "technology" as: "the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area." So, if we were to put those two... Continue Reading →