Web 1.0 & Web 2.0

Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0: Full Comparison (2023)

Ever pondered the impact of Web 2.0, the social web, on our daily lives? Buckle up, because we’re about to take a wild ride through the twists and turns of this digital revolution, inspired by the eye-opening journey in “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix.

Imagine this: you’re cruising through your social media feed, connecting with pals, sharing laughs, and staying in the loop with the latest buzz. It’s all smooth sailing until you realize these platforms are cleverly designed to keep you hooked, with algorithms that seem to know you better than you know yourself. Suddenly, you’re knee-deep in cat memes and questionable conspiracy theories, wondering how you got swept away.

But fear not! The social web has also brought us closer, erasing boundaries and letting us mingle with folks from all corners of the globe. From rallying for causes to sparking important conversations, social media has become a powerful tool for change and unity.

Now, let’s shift gears to the classroom. Teachers are using Web 2.0 tools to revolutionize education, making learning an interactive, immersive experience. Students can team up on projects, embark on virtual adventures, and tap into a world of knowledge at their fingertips. It’s like a digital treasure hunt, with discoveries waiting at every click!

However, every coin has two sides. The social web has its shadows, from online bullying to the spread of fake news. Educators must guide students to navigate this digital realm wisely, equipping them with skills to sift through information and safeguard their online presence.

So, what’s the bottom line? The social web is a thrilling journey, full of ups and downs. As we ride this digital wave, let’s aim for a balanced approach that maximizes the highs while steering clear of the lows. After all, the future of education and society lies in our hands… or rather, our screens!

So, grab your surfboards, fellow netizens, and let’s ride the social wave together, making the most of this digital adventure while keeping our heads above water!

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Rethinking Assessment: Moving Beyond Numbers to Meaningful Conversations



Rethinking The Way We Generate Insights - InnovationManagement

In the past, assessment often felt like a one-way street, with students receiving grades without much opportunity for feedback or reflection. Traditional assessment methods, such as written exams and standardized tests, focused more on memorization and regurgitation of facts rather than deeper understanding and critical thinking.

Fast forward to today, and we find ourselves in the midst of a digital renaissance of assessment. Educational technology has revolutionized the way we assess student learning, making it more interactive, engaging, and personalized than ever before. Tools like Kahoot! and Quizizz have turned assessments into fun and exciting games, motivating students to actively participate in their learning.

Digital portfolios have replaced traditional paper-based assignments, allowing students to showcase their work in a dynamic and creative way. This shift towards digital assessment has not only made learning more enjoyable for students but has also provided teachers with valuable insights into student progress and areas for improvement.

By embracing this digital renaissance of assessment, we can create a more inclusive and student-centered approach to learning. Educational technology has the power to transform our classrooms into vibrant hubs of learning and discovery, where every assessment is not just a grade but a meaningful conversation about student learning.

So, with the the power of educational technology to spark meaningful dialogues that inspire curiosity, creativity, and a lifelong love of learning in our students this whole process has become more meaning and impactful!

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What are your experiences with assistive technology, and what are some of the challenges and limitations?


Assistive technology: Experience, Challenges, and Limitations – Meenu’s ...


My journey with assistive technology began with a simple question: How can we empower individuals with disabilities to fully participate in the digital age? This question led me to explore a wide range of assistive technologies and their impact on the lives of people with disabilities.

One of the most inspiring moments in my journey was when I met N, a young student with getting his sighting ability almost gone. N struggled with reading and writing, which affected his academic performance and confidence. Introducing him to Braille software was a game-changer. Seeing N light up as she listened to a book being read aloud was a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of assistive technology. Knowing that how smart the boy is and after spending much of my time with him I understood that how much he has to offer and the way his face would lit up showed me about his learning needs to be met with all the experiences he could get with the help of his new machine provided to him in the classroom.

However, my journey has also been marked by challenges. One of the biggest hurdles I’ve encountered is the lack of awareness and access to assistive technology. Many individuals are unaware of the tools available to them, while others face barriers in accessing these tools due to cost or availability.

Despite these challenges, my experiences have reinforced my belief in the power of assistive technology to level the playing field and empower individuals with disabilities. As technology continues to advance, I am excited to see how assistive technology will evolve and how it will continue to transform lives. I personally enjoy speech to text method alot as it helps me to give better instructions rather than writing everything 😀

So, whether you’re a student, educator, or technology enthusiast, I encourage you to explore the world of assistive technology. Together, we can unlock new possibilities and create a more inclusive and accessible future for all.

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Students abilities getting clubbed with coding and makerspace :D

Imagine being able to create your own games, apps, or even robots – that’s the magic of coding! It’s like learning a secret language that lets you bring your wildest ideas to life. And makerspaces? They’re like playgrounds for your imagination, filled with tools and materials to help you build, tinker, and create anything you can dream of.

While coding and makerspaces may seem like they’re only for tech enthusiasts, they’re actually for everyone! These tools help you develop problem-solving skills, boost your creativity, and learn to work as a team – all while having a blast. Plus, they’re a great way to explore your interests and discover new passions.

If you’re thinking, “But I don’t know anything about coding or makerspaces,” don’t worry – you’re not alone! Many educators face similar challenges, like limited resources or lack of experience. But with a little curiosity and a willingness to learn, you can overcome these obstacles and dive into the world of coding and makerspaces with confidence.

Educators who have embraced coding and makerspaces have seen incredible transformations in their students. From increased engagement to a deeper understanding of complex concepts, these tools have the power to revolutionize the way we teach and learn. Plus, they’re a ton of fun for everyone involved!

You don’t need to be a tech expert to teach coding or use makerspaces in your classroom. These tools are designed to be user-friendly and accessible to all. With a bit of creativity and a willingness to learn alongside your students, you can create amazing learning experiences that will inspire and excite them.

Countries like Australia and the UK have integrated coding into their national curricula, recognizing its importance in preparing students for the future. In places like South Korea and Japan, makerspaces are thriving, providing students with the opportunity to explore their creativity and develop valuable skills.

In conclusion, coding and makerspaces are more than just tools – they’re gateways to a world of endless possibilities. So, whether you’re a student eager to learn or an educator ready to inspire, embrace the magic of coding and makerspaces and let your creativity soar. Coding and makerspaces offer valuable hands-on learning experiences, fostering skills like critical thinking and collaboration. While all students can benefit, those with limited access to resources may face challenges. Educators can ensure inclusivity, helping every student unlock their potential in these innovative learning environments.

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My Adventure with Generative AI

What is Generative AI? (animated video) - YouTube

Being a teacher to and Administrative and with my current role of being a facilitator for young-adults in the navigation of their university journey, my career has witnessed quite a ride! And all in past 1 decade I am sure of with the help of AI has come to a point where I drastically feel change in not only performance but alongside for the targets as well. I use AI in various ways but for me as funny it sounds but it also is much about asking just random emotional support questions as well on the go 😀 However, with details mentioned below there are some other day to day usages which do help me out like for many others as well..

My Generative AI Adventure: In my professional routine, generative AI has been a trusty companion, revolutionizing how I approach tasks and inspiring fresh ideas. From crafting compelling content effortlessly to sparking creativity in unexpected ways, generative AI has been a game-changer, opening doors to a world where imagination knows no bounds.

The Heartbeat of Generative AI: What makes generative AI truly remarkable is its ability to collaborate in the creative process. It’s not just about generating content; it’s about co-creating, infusing human-like intuition into digital creations. It’s like having a creative partner who’s always ready to explore new ideas and push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Navigating the Ups and Downs: Of course, no adventure is without its challenges. As we delve deeper into the realm of generative AI, we’re faced with questions about bias, privacy, and the ethical use of technology. How do we ensure that our digital creations reflect our values and respect the diversity of human experience?

A Glimpse into the Future: Looking ahead, the future of generative AI is bright with promise. In healthcare, it could revolutionize patient care, offering personalized treatment plans. In education, it could transform how we learn, adapting to each student’s unique needs. As we embrace this future, it’s essential to tread carefully, ensuring that our digital creations enrich our lives and empower us to create a better world. For me it helps me to explore about the trends for my job and also sorts communication for me too.

In conclusion, my adventure with generative AI has been nothing short of exhilarating. It’s a reminder that technology, when harnessed creatively and responsibly, has the power to transform our world. So, let’s continue to explore, innovate, and create with generative AI, shaping a future where imagination knows no bounds!

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From Virtual Field Trips to Digital Doodles: Unleashing Fun and Learning in Online Education!

Virtual field trips - esbezy

1) Most Useful/Relevant Tools and Why: In our fast-paced world, tools that promote collaboration, creativity, and engagement are key. Platforms like Google Workspace offer a range of tools such as Docs, Sheets, and Slides, perfect for group projects and presentations. These tools make teamwork a breeze, even when we’re miles apart!

When it comes to virtual meetings and classes, video conferencing tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams are game-changers. With features like breakout rooms and screen sharing, these tools make discussions and presentations interactive and exciting, just like a face-to-face classroom!

2) Bringing These Tools into Your Current Context: As a young professional working with young adults, integrating these tools into your teaching practices can greatly enhance the learning experience. For example, using collaborative tools like Google Docs for group projects can foster teamwork and creativity. Additionally, holding virtual office hours via video conferencing tools can provide personalized support to students, creating a more connected and engaging learning environment.

3) Impact of Online/Distance Format on Teaching Experience: Transitioning to online or distance education can be challenging, but it also presents exciting opportunities for growth and innovation. While the lack of face-to-face interaction may seem daunting, the flexibility and accessibility of online learning can benefit both educators and students. Embracing these digital tools can create new avenues for engagement and collaboration, enriching the learning experience for everyone involved.

In conclusion, the adoption of online and blended learning tools has become increasingly important in today’s educational landscape. Whether you’re a seasoned educator or just starting out, leveraging these tools can enhance your teaching and learning experience, making education more interactive, engaging, and fun for young adults like us. So, let’s embrace these tools and embark on a journey of learning and discovery in the virtual classroom together!

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EC&I 833 Summary of Learning

Well I got inspired by an old coworkers, Logan Petlak’s, summary of learning on the exemplar page, so I decided to do a rap. WOW, did I bite off more than I could chew. Trying to get all the content and explain myself while rhyming felt impossible. Also to get 5 minutes when you are saying everything so fast was very difficult. Splicing music to make the song longer was also a new skill I had gained along the way. But what matters, is it is finished! I hope it comes across as clear to you, as it does in my own head. I put the names of all the dance moves I was doing from the 90s because I am weird and had to stay on trend with Prince of Belair song! Toby (my doggo) is obviously the star of the show. It is very embarrassing. So enjoy.

Summary: I start off by speaking about how I have learned about the different types of knowledge and how all are important not just Positivist view of one objective answer. Multiple realities and how students use said knowledge to create their own ideas is also valuable. Then I speak about the learning theories we learned! I demonstrate different technology that fits the different theories. The behaviorist technology that I have used to helps students learn objective knowledge in math and science. This including online learning technology that helped me create lesson videos! Next I talk about Cognitive learning theory and some technology that you could use to foster discussion and allow for that higher level of learning. Lastly for the theories I speak about constructive theory technology that students can use to create new items and ideas! Including, makerspaces and how they foster resilience and life long learning. I also take some time to talk about how I learned about some new assistive technology that I am using now in my classes! Lastly when I was diving into my AI blog I came across this video of machines taking over our lives. So I think it is important we still keep learning and have more knowledge than AI so it does not control our lives.

The next section is the negative side of technology and how there is good but there is also evil! I never knew I had to be weary of new technology! I always knew corporations top priority was making money but I was so unaware that had leaked into education and how this might affect our students. Web 2.0 was a great invention but because everyone can put their own realities and knowledge on the internet it has made it so people take some of this knowledge as objective knowledge when it is not. This has caused a political divide, even here in Canada. Social media has contributed to this as well. Machines are very efficient but not a lot of morality as well.

Not sure if I needed the summary or it was clear, would love any comments or questions, thanks!

Revolutions: Agriculture, Industrial then and now AI (Artificial Intelligence) Revolution

The last presentation during my EC&I 833 class was about Generative AI. The presenters’ content took the audience on a journey of mixed emotions. Some were dazed, others (like me) confused or scared and some were thrilled, others were inquisitive…. Woah…..what a subject!!

I have always found the name – “Faustian Bargain” so apt for the computer technology- so whether it is AI, WWW…..  You gain some and you lose some. Ideally I look at AI as transformative  and has the caliber to transport us into a “qualitatively different future”. Therefore the title- Agriculture, Industrial and then AI revolution.

How many of us can imagine living in a world without AI- how comfortable would it be to survive without Siri waking you up, the GPS system and maps helping navigate, the smart software and apps that are favs in the workplace or finding the best tickets for travel, ordering food, grocery, or for that matter shopping online? If we narrow down to education: it’s a whirlwind of AI in education? how many of us could have imagined the kind of learning platform that exist now; adjusting the lessons personally for every one!! That’s what DreamBox and Knewton are doing. They use AI to tweak learning materials in real-time, making sure each student gets the most out of their lessons. In my EC & I sessions my class mates introduced me to some outstanding educational tools like like Socrative, Mentimeter, Padlet, Quizlet, Kahoot etc  that make assessment and student engagement effortless. Thus making the learning process more engaging, personalized and interactive. They give detailed feedback, letting teachers focus more on teaching and less on grading. So, AI isn’t just a buzzword; it surely has worthwhile substance and has made education more personalized, efficient, and interactive. How cool is that?

AI has entered everyone’s life; so be it; student, elders, professionals( all professions that you can think of) at all levels, industry etc: it looks difficult to subtract AI out of the whole system. However, the damage can also be potentially great. The systems can be corrupted, it can be trained to affect the physical, mental, emotional security at any level. The video that was shared in one of our classes on AI also mentioned Elon Musk calling it “Catastrophic” and worldwide people talking about regulating it so that it does not become a Faustian bargain.

Very recently I saw a bolly wood movie and here is the clip where the main character is a Robot and it is disturbing to see and imagine: if something like this will ever happen in the future.:


It is disturbing to see and imagine: if something like this will ever happen in the future.

One famous quote on AI is by Stephen Hawking, a renowned theoretical physicist:

“Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks.” – Stephen Hawking

Cooking & Convo’s with Ilda and Erin!

This blog is done in collaboration with Erin.

Attached is our (myself and Erin) summary of learning throughout this class. We chat about numerous different topics that we learned such as Web 2.0codingAssistive Technology, as we cook using a recipe we found on the web. We made a few little changes, but the results were still amazing…thank us later 😉

Cheers to a great semester of learning!

Ilda & Erin

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